Savello Inspira GT1 Office Chair
With a combination of advanced features such as gaslift, Tilting Control, armrest, and nylon footbase, the Savello Staff Chair provides a complete solution for your comfort and productivity needs. Designed to minimize fatigue and stress, this chair helps you stay focused on important tasks, so you can achieve the best results every time and don't miss out on the minimalist design.
Your unique activities, personality and needs make Savello create a different chair for each of your unique qualities. All chairs are made to our highest standards for comfort and productivity while working. And to put your mind at ease, Savello provides a 2 Year* warranty on the gas lift mechanism wheels, and footrests. Savello provides so many options. All you have to do is be yourself.
Product Detail: KD2
- Material: Fabric / Oscar (Synthetic Leather) / Genuine Leather and can be selected from the Savello color catalogue
- With this product, you can choose the color combination of the material between the seat and backrest as long as the color is in the Color Catalog (Ordering Special Colors takes 4-5 working days)
- Tilting Control Functions to adjust the tilt of the chair back up to 45 degrees and can be locked (Just Swing)
- The chair back frame is made of polypropylene covered with mesh material
- Frame Kaki: Nylon
- Armrests made of polypropylene (Non Adjustable)
- This type is strong enough to withstand a weight of -+100 kg.
- 2 Year Guarantee for Mechanical, Hydraulic, Leg Frame and Wheels
- SNI & ISO 9001 - Savello product TKDN certificate can be downloaded here
Pesanan Khusus
Pesanan Khusus berarti pesanan untuk Produk yang ditugaskan, dimodifikasi, dipersonalisasi, disesuaikan atau diproduksi, sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda.
Di Oscar Living anda dapat melakukan Pesanan Khusus dan melakukan berbagai penyesuaian yang anda butuhkan sesuai dengan keinginan anda. baik berupa :
- Mengganti warna Kursi Kantor sesuai kebutuhan ruangan anda
- Springbed atau kasur ukuran Khusus
- Mengganti warna atau bahan Sofa dan sofabed sesuai kebutuhan anda
- Melakukan modifikasi ukuran pada produk selain Kasur dan Kursi Kantor baik itu penambahan materil ataupun pengurangan materil.
- Melakukan modifikasi bentuk pada produk baik itu penambahan materil ataupun pengurangan materil.
- Melakukan modifikasi bahan pada produk baik itu penambahan materil ataupun pengurangan materil.
Konsultasikan kebutuhan anda dengan kami https://oscarliving.co.id/pages/pesanan-khusus-yang-disesuaikan-dengan-kebutuhan-anda
Note : Pesanan Khusus / Custom apapun tidak dapat dikembalikan.
Contoh Warna Savello
Anda Dapat Mengunduh Pilihan Warna Kursi Kantor Savello Disini - Download
Keterangan Warna Custom :
CS01 - Custom 1 Sandaran Black Dudukan RED
CS02 - Custom 2 Sandaran Black Dudukan BLUE
CS03 - Custom 3 Sandaran Black Dudukan ORANGE
CS04 - Custom 4 Sandaran Black Dudukan YELLOW
CS05 - Custom 5 Sandaran Black Dudukan GREEN
CS06 - Custom 6 Sandaran Black Dudukan BROWN
CS08 - Custom 8 Sandaran RED Dudukan Black
CS09 - Custom 9 Sandaran ORANGE Dudukan BLACK
CS10 - Custom 10 Sandaran BLUE Dudukan BLACK
CS11 - Custom 11 Sandaran GREEN Dudukan BLACK
CS12 - Custom 12 Sandaran YELLOW Dudukan BLACK
Batasan Informasi
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