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Menata Arsip Perusahaan dengan Baik dan benar - Oscarliving - OSCARLIVING

Organizing Company Records Properly and Correctly - Oscarliving

As a source of information for an organization or company, all archives must receive special handling by a professional management system so that the existence of the archives can be well maintained and easy to find when needed. The process of managing archives in an office work environment is known as archival management or records management. Meanwhile, the definition of archive management according to Law no. 43 of 2009 concerning Archives are all activities which include policy, guidance and management of archives in an archival system (adopted by an organization) and are supported by human resources, facilities and infrastructure, as well as other resources. In general, records management is archive management activities which include planning, recording, organizing, distributing, storing, monitoring, maintaining, transferring, up to destruction.

1. Data Check

The initial stage in preparing archives is to check the data manually. This inspection is part of data verification. That way, you can ensure that the document can be saved and that there is no duplication of data with previous archives.

2. Archive Data Index

The next stage in the archive management procedure is the preparation of an index. This stage is very important in conventional archival systems. The aim is to make the archive search process easier.

You can use various types of commonly used archive indexes. In general, you will find 3 index classifications in the archive system, namely:

    • Numerical system
    • Alphabetical system
    • Letter and number system

3. Marking

The next stage is marking or what is also commonly known as coding. The purpose of this marking is to facilitate the archive sorting process.

4. Archive Grouping

The next stage in how to manage archives is sorting archives. This step is useful for grouping documents to make it easier for archivists to place documents.

5. Archive Storage

The final step in archive management procedures is storage. You can place documents that have been grouped according to their respective categories in the space provided. The storage process must be neat so that it makes it easier for you when you want to use archive data. 

So, those are the steps for conventional archive management that you need to know. You will also know that this process takes quite a long time and requires high precision. 

In conventional archive management, it is not uncommon for companies to need filing cabinets that can help with company archiving 

For the most complete filing cabinet products, you can visit the Oscarliving site, which is the most complete office furniture center in Indonesia 

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