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Pemanasan Global dan Kutub utara memberikan dampak tidak hanya pada negara negara di belahan utara namun juga memberikan dampak bagi Indonesia - OSCARLIVING

Global warming and the Arctic have an impact not only on countries in the northern hemisphere but also have an impact on Indonesia

The Arctic is more impacted by global warming than anywhere else in the world.

For humans and animals living in the unique environment of the Arctic, climate change is not a debate; it is an everyday reality. And as the world warms, the ice in the Arctic is melting faster, threatening safety and In the last 30 years, we have seen an area of ​​Arctic sea ice melt larger than the combined areas of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Why the Arctic Matters to Global Warming

Climate change is most evident in the Arctic region. And the Arctic helps regulate the world's temperature, so as more Arctic ice melts, the warmer our world will become.

Here are the facts:

Melting ice accelerates climate change. Global warming is causing ice in the Arctic to melt – the ice reflects sunlight, while the water absorbs it. As Arctic ice melts, the surrounding ocean absorbs more sunlight and heats up, making the world warmer.

Sea levels are rising. Over the past century, global average sea levels have risen four to eight inches. Melting Arctic ice is expected to accelerate sea level rise. Some experts even predict that sea levels will rise as high as 23 feet by 2100, which will flood large coastal cities and submerge several small island nations, causing untold destruction.

But wait, there's oil in the Arctic. Although there is oil in the Arctic Ocean, our dependence on oil is the main cause of climate change, but this has not stopped large companies like Shell and Exxon Mobil from trying to exploit the Arctic. Burning more fossil fuels is the last thing we should do if we want to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

The good news is that there is still a chance to limit the damage.

By preventing drilling, we can protect the Arctic for the millions of people and animals who live there, and stop fossil fuel companies from making climate change worse. Our planet is too precious to be exploited for corporate profit.



Photo : BBC News, Kerstin Langenberger

Source : Greenpeace

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