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Sustainability must become a lifestyle

The impact of climate change which triggers the El Nino phenomenon is predicted to also affect world food prices this year. The drought is longer and has an impact on drought in various regions, thwarting many harvests and triggering price inflation in many places in the world. The El Nino phenomenon is just one of the impacts of climate change over the past few years

Experts have long called for serious changes regarding people's lifestyles to better support sustainable living. Starting from small things, namely reducing plastic waste, to bigger things such as the green economy movement.

You also need to be actively involved so you can help create a sustainable lifestyle. Contributions in the form of small actions carried out by many people can have a positive impact on the future for sustainable living.


The following are various easy ways to support sustainable living or a sustainable lifestyle that you can immediately implement:

1. Mindful spending

Without realizing it, the basic trigger for the accumulation of waste which has damaged the environment is the consumerist lifestyle of modern society which has almost no brakes.

A consumer lifestyle encourages people to continuously accumulate things even though the old things are actually still functional, for example buying clothes every month, changing into new shoes every payday, trying out different brands of skincare, and so on.

You can contribute real actions to support environmental sustainability and a sustainable lifestyle by starting mindful spending, namely shopping with awareness based on needs, rather than mere desires.

You can start with mindful spending by making a healthy financial plan by making a spending budget plan, being disciplined in adhering to the budget plan to prevent impulsive shopping, and so on.

2. Implement decluttering regularly

Another sustainable lifestyle that can be implemented is decluttering, namely periodically sorting items that are still needed or that are better removed from the house, whether to donate, resell or even throw away.

Decluttering is very important so that you can avoid the accumulation of items at home, for example by applying the criteria that items that have not been used for more than 4 months can be removed from the house. You can also apply the FIFO (first in, first out) principle, so that every time you buy or bring a new item home, you must also take one item out of the house.

You can do many things with those items that you no longer use. If the condition is still good, you can donate it to a social institution or give it to those in need. If it still has economic value, you can sell it on the used goods market or preloved goods marketplace. That way the benefits can still be longer than just piling it up at home.

Diligent decluttering will help you avoid impulsive shopping. Indirectly, you become aware that perhaps the item you want is actually still owned and can be used.

3. Reduce plastic waste by refilling

There are many daily necessities, especially in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) group, such as bath soap, washing soap, shampoo, household cleaning fluid, as well as skincare and make up, which you usually need to buy regularly. In general, these goods are sold in plastic packaging which will be difficult to decompose, even for thousands of years to come. This will have a negative impact on a sustainable lifestyle.

You can participate in implementing sustainable living or a sustainable lifestyle by starting to reduce plastic packaging goods by utilizing FMCG refill facilities. Currently, there are many services providing FMCG goods with refill methods where you can invite them to come regularly every month and refill them using containers available at home.

In this way, you can reduce your consumption of plastic goods slowly and at the same time reduce your routine shopping expenses. The reason is, a sustainable lifestyle by buying necessities on a refill basis can be cheaper because there are no packaging costs.

Lastly, the way to support a sustainable lifestyle is by taking advantage of sustainable lifestyle promotions. Currently, there are more and more green living campaigns to encourage public awareness of adopting a sustainable lifestyle through the launch of various recyclable waste recycling applications.

This application gives you a container to deposit household waste that can be recycled, such as plastic bottles of bottled drinking water, skincare bottles, plastic bags, paper, glass bottles, and so on.

Apart from helping you implement sustainable living or a sustainable lifestyle, this application will usually also provide rewards for every deposit of recycled waste. The rewards can often be exchanged for data credit, a cup of coffee, or even cash.

Maintaining the environment and natural balance is part of a sustainable lifestyle which is the responsibility of everyone living on earth, so that future generations can still enjoy a healthy and friendly earth. Apart from that, don't forget to build a brilliant family future by planning as best as possible.



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