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Gunung Rinjani - destinasi akhir para pendaki Indonesia - OSCARLIVING

Mount Rinjani - the final destination for Indonesian climbers

Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia and is also part of the "Ring of Fire" series. Administratively, this mountain is under four districts, namely East Lombok, Central Lombok, West Lombok and North Lombok. This mountain has a height of 3,726 m above sea level. For the people of Lombok Island, especially the Sasak and Balinese tribes, Mount Rinjani is considered a holy place and is the palace of the gods. On Mount Rinjani there is the Mount Rinjani National Park which is located in the biogeographical transition area (Wallace line), where the flora and fauna of Southeast Asia meet the flora and fauna of the Australian region.

In the Mount Rinjani area there are Segara Anak Lake, Mount Barujari, Mount Sangkareang, Mount Waja, and several caves, namely Goa Susu, Goa Payung, and Goa Manik. Segara Anak Lake is a source of water for the entire people of Lombok. The water from this lake flows throughout most of Lombok. Agriculture around Lombok depends on the water of this lake. The lake, which has an area of ​​11,000 square meters with a depth of 230 m and is at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, is said by several traditional elders in the Bayan region to function as a coolant for the surrounding volcanoes. This lake is thought to have been formed as a result of the eruption of Mount Samalas in 1257. Another opinion says that Lake Segara Anak appeared as a result of the eruption of Mount Rinjani Purba.

Rinjani means tall and upright. The meaning of this word seems to be in accordance with the geographical conditions of Mount Rinjani, this mountain is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. Furthermore, the name Mount Rinjani very likely comes from the word Rara Anjani which changed to Renjani and then became Rinjani as we know it today. In connection with what Rara Anjani said, in the East Lombok area you can find a village called Anjani Village. Likewise, the meeting building in Mataram is named the Dewi Anjani Building. This certainly shows how people really respect and appreciate this name even though they no longer fully believe in this myth. However, the North Lombok Regency government has made Mount Rinjani the symbol of the district.

Rinjani is said to be the center of the cosmos which is the cosmological orientation of the Sasak people in general by calling it "power". The center of the cosmos and the concept of Sasak society is the center of the earth's magnetic power and spiritual power so that all directions (in the context of civilization) are oriented towards it, for example in the orientation of spatial planning. Rinjani as an ecological symbol is referred to as a gumi peg which guarantees harmonious life in environmental sustainability and balance. Rinjani is the pride of the people of North Lombok as one of the active volcanoes which is included in the highest category in Indonesia

According to some data, the name Mount Rinjani comes from the name of Dewi Rinjani, who was the daughter of Datu Taun and Dewi Mas.


Mount Rinjani is located in the north, West Nusa Tenggara, and is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with a height of 3,726 meters above sea level. Entering the Mount Rinjani National Park area and surrounded by 76,000 hectares of forest and bushes, this is a beautiful view for Mount Rinjani.

Access to Lombok Island can not only be reached by land using a direct bus from Jakarta, by crossing twice by ferry (Bali Strait and Lombok Strait), it can also be reached by plane.

Mount Rinjani has a crater about 10 km wide and there is a crater lake called Segara Anak lake with a depth of about 230 m. With the blue color of the water like a child of the ocean, the water flowing from this lake forms a very beautiful waterfall and flows through a steep ravine. Many climbers fish in this lake because there are lots of goldfish and tilapia.

There are 2 climbing routes to reach Rinjani Peak, namely the Sembalun Route and the Senaru Route. The Sembalun route is a favorite route for climbers because even though the track is longer, it can save 700 m of altitude.

On the Sembalun Route, climbers will pass through a very wide and beautiful expanse of savanna. There are 3 rest posts on this route, and after post 3 climbers will face a steep incline with a slope of around 60 degrees. Meanwhile, on the Senaru Route, climbers will pass through quite dense and steep tropical forests. Similar to the Sembalun Route, this route also has 3 rest posts before arriving at the Pelawangan post which is usually used as a camping area.

The charm of Mount Rinjani is almost perfect, so there is no doubt that Rinjani is an attraction that can attract the interest of foreign and domestic tourists to climb it. And climbing Mount Rinjani will certainly be an unforgettable memory and life experience.

So, for those of you nature lovers, mountain climbers. Rinjani is one of the mandatory destinations on your check list. and of course the top. The OLIV exploration team has visited Mount Rinjani and made Mount Rinjani the list of the 5 mountains in Indonesia climbed by the OLIV Exploration Team. 


 Source: Rich Indonesia

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