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Karbon Biru Indonesia Simpan 17 Persen Cadangan Dunia - OSCARLIVING

Indonesia's Blue Carbon Stores 17 Percent of the World's Reserves

The Blue Carbon ecosystem, which includes coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass beds, and brackish wetlands, serves as a natural carbon absorber and storage in large quantities and for long periods. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia has a mangrove area of 3.2 million hectares (ha) and a seagrass bed area of three million hectares. With this extent, Indonesia's Blue Carbon ecosystem can store up to 17 percent of the world's Blue Carbon reserves, thus playing a very important role in reducing climate change.

"As an effort to incorporate Blue Carbon as one of the emission reduction strategies to meet the NDC target in 2030, the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, along with the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, virtually listened to the opinions and inputs from experts on Wednesday (5/5). This discussion, wrapped in the theme 'Executive Brief: State of The Art Blue Carbon in Indonesia,' is expected to provide a common understanding among Ministries/Agencies, especially KLHK and KKP, regarding the current status of the concept and strategy for developing Blue Carbon."

The experts consulted by the two ministers were Prof. Daniel Murdiyarso from CIFOR – IPB, who explained from the perspective of national and global wetland management; Dr. Anastasia Rita Tisiana Dwi Kuswardani from the Marine Research Center of KKP, who provided input regarding the potential of carbon sinks and acid generation in marine ecosystems; Prof. Rohani Ambo Rappe from UNHAS, who provided information regarding the potential of seagrass beds in climate change mitigation; and Prof. (Ris) Dr. Haruni Krisnawati from the Research and Innovation Agency of KLHK, who presented the potential contribution of mangroves to Indonesia's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. The Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, along with the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, virtually attended the discussion on Wednesday (5/5), themed "Executive Brief: State of The Art Blue Carbon in Indonesia."

(Ministry of Environment and Forestry) Minister Siti in her opening remarks explained that input from experts is very much needed by executives, especially in KLHK and KKP, to be used as a scientific source for a policy. According to Minister Siti, Blue Carbon plays an important role, and the process of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory must differentiate between Blue Carbon ecosystems and terrestrial forest ecosystems, so that Blue Carbon has a special place and the estimation of GHG absorption and GHG emission reporting will be more accurate at the national level.

"This meeting is very important, as it will serve as a starting point for enhancing our steps in achieving the NDC as well as in addressing carbon emissions," explained Minister Siti in her press release. On this occasion, Minister Trenggono requested that together we can formulate and agree on policies related to Blue Carbon in Indonesia, with ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass beds, and brackish wetlands. Minister Trenggono also encouraged further research related to Blue Carbon conducted by KLHK, KKP, LIPI, and other research institutions, to serve as a scientific basis for a policy. He also hopes that marine and coastal ecosystems can be preserved, so they can provide economic benefits to the community.


"We must also see that Blue Carbon can be utilized as a mechanism to create economic value through carbon trading. Additionally, we must work together to ensure that the health index of Indonesia's seas can improve; currently, the index stands at 65, ranking 137 out of 221, and in the future, it is hoped that this number can increase to 76 by 2024," explained Minister Trenggono. A brief insight from experts, Prof. Daniel Murdiyarso stated that the economic value of Blue Carbon ecosystems is very high. He cited mangroves as an example, which can be valued at more than 90 thousand US dollars per hectare. This value comes not only from the ability of mangroves to absorb carbon but also from the environmental services they provide, such as preventing erosion and rising sea levels, fisheries industry, and ecotourism.

Blue Carbon provides environmental goods and services with a wide spectrum, carbon being one of them, and it is very important for Indonesia and the world. Regulatory frameworks and governance need to be established based on reliable data and information, and mainstreaming this blue carbon requires strong political will to achieve the goals of global and national agendas.


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