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Pulau Padar yang menakjubkan di Taman nasional Komodo - OSCARLIVING

Stunning Padar Island in Komodo National Park

Padar Island is the third largest island in the Komodo National Park area, after Komodo Island and perhaps Padar Island is not as famous as Komodo Island or Rinca Island, but the beauty of Padar Island is no less beautiful than those two islands.

Padar Island tends to be closer to Rinca Island compared to Komodo Island and is separated by the Lintah Strait.

Padar Island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, because it is in the Komodo National Park area, together with Komodo Island, Rinca Island and Gili Motang. Even though it is in the Komodo National Park area, Padar Island is not inhabited by Komodo dragons due to the broken food chain.

Around this island there are also three or four small islands that have their own unique panoramas. And on Pulau Padar there is also a stretch of pink beach which is very suitable for just swimming, playing in the water or snorkeling.

Visitors can also climb the hill on Padar Island to enjoy the beautiful panorama from above. The blue sea and the surrounding islands will hypnotize visitors. Even though trekking to the highest hill will feel very tiring, visitors will be presented with a panoramic view of the hills and very beautiful views and capturing the moment will be an activity that will never get boring during the trekking trip.

The location coordinates are Cor 8.654°S 119.574°E. This island is managed under West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

The topography of this island is steep with steep volcanic mountains and hills facing deep sea bays.

Padar has a dry climate with bushes and grassland trees covering the island, creating beautiful savanna hill conditions.

Padar Island Labuan Bajo has four deep bays and beach sand in various colors, most of which are white beach sand.

Apart from that, there are also sand beaches that have gray and pink sand. The sea around this island has several popular spots for scuba diving and snorkeling, so don't miss it when you are on this island.

The popularity of Padar Island itself occurred thanks to sophisticated communications.

Many people tag Padar Island so that this island is seen by many people, and of course many people are interested in visiting this island. so when is it your turn?? or are you waiting to be invited by the OLIV exploration team???

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Source: Wikipedia 

Photography : Hendrohioe & Sofi Aida Sugiharto

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