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Nightmares are not always scary dreams that make you suddenly wake up and sweat in the middle of the night. Because, for some people, nightmares involve not getting sleepy and falling asleep until 03.00 in the morning. A quality night's sleep should become your daily lifestyle. Actually, what you need is to create useful habits to get you to sleep quickly.

Here are two techniques you can apply tonight:

  • Sleep at the same time

"Sleep time is an important time investment. It doesn't matter how much time you invest because the key is when you sleep," said Shawn Stevenson, author of the book Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies for Sleeping Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success. According to Stevenson, the ideal time to sleep is 22.00 at night to 02.00 in the morning. Based on research, during these hours, a number of important hormones are secreted in the human body. So, falling asleep between 22.00 at night and 02.00 in the morning makes it easier for the body to produce the required amount of hormones. "It's very important to fall asleep at the same time. It's not a matter of how many hours, but rather the quality of deep sleep at night," he said.

  • Don't bring work into the room

"One of the worst things you can do to yourself is work in bed in your room. Your body should be resting, but your mind keeps working. This is very bad," he said. Getting used to bringing work home and completing it in your room builds a habit for your mind to continue being active and working. "Many people today find it difficult to calm their minds at night. A mind that is constantly working does not give you quality sleep," he said. Therefore, make sure you put everything in place. Getting used to completing work in your room will only make the room atmosphere like a work space in the office which reflects work targets and stress.


Source: Kompas 

Image: Freepik

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