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  • Sejarah panjang " MAY DAY : atau Hari Buruh - OSCARLIVING
    May 1,2024

    Sejarah panjang " MAY DAY : atau Hari Buruh

    Tanggal 1 Mei 2023 diperingati Hari Buruh Internasional atau yang disebut May Day. Peringatan Hari Buruh juga ditetapkan sebagai hari libur nasional. Hari ini diperingati di seluruh dunia untuk menghormati perjuangan pekerja dalam mendapatkan hak-hak yang adil dan perlindungan kerja...

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  • Apa itu Ergonomis di Tempat Kerja? - OSCARLIVING
    May 1,2024

    What is Ergonomics in the Workplace?

    If you work in an office environment, you've likely heard the term 'ergonomics' - but what does it actually mean? In short, workplace ergonomics refers to the study of the relationship between employees and their work environment. It shows how...

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  • Bagaimana tata letak kantor mempengaruhi produktivitas Karyawan - OSCARLIVING
    April 30,2024

    How office layout affects productivity

    You and your staff likely spend a lot of time in the office, so it makes sense for the space to be a positive place to work and socialize. But have you ever thought about how your office layout can...

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  • Bekerja di kantor sambil menjalani kehamilan, apakah Perusahaan memberikan dukungan ? - OSCARLIVING
    April 29,2024

    The Office's Guide to Comfort During Pregnancy

    Good posture when sitting and standing is always important in the workplace, helping us avoid back strain and stay comfortable throughout the day. During pregnancy, your body is under more stress than usual, and it is important to stand, walk,...

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  • Feng Shui di Ruang kerja anda!!!  Percaya atau ngga ? yuk simak bersama OLIV - OSCARLIVING
    April 25,2024

    How to Feng Shui Your Desk

    “Many of us are realizing that working from home has become a more permanent solution than we previously thought. Going to the office is a great way to establish an area where your mind can fully concentrate on work. This...

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  • Tips Mengatur Ruang kerja agar tampak indah bersama OLIV - OSCARLIVING
    April 24,2024

    How to Organize Your Workspace

    “Whether you're returning to the office, working from home full time, or a combination of both, maintaining a tidy work environment can have a positive impact on productivity, stress levels, and happiness at work. The impact can be so great...

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