Guhdo Multibed Happy Kids HB Ideal Mattress | Full set
"Kasur guhdo multibed happy kids HB Ideal fullset free ongkir for all aspects of providing supremacy in quality closely related to material choices, our material sources have become an attractive choice. Not only do we seek the best, we obtain the best to provide supremacy in quality for all our product desires to create luxurious works and comfort has become our pride and joy."
Product Details:
- High density foam layers that can support body weight well.
- Double layers hard cotton sheet
- 5 turn Spinal Spring, Side & Corner guard support Multi bed Happy kids disupport with 5 turn Spinal Spring, wire spring diameter 2.24 mm. The spring assembly system uses 130 units of spring / m2. Side & corner guard reinforces the edges of the mattress.
- Exceptional High Quality Knitted Multi Colour Fabric makes this multibed more durable and long-lasting.
- Gorgeous embroidered label
- Durable Construction Design
What do you get:
- 1 unit Guhdo Multi Bed Happy kids size according to choice
- 1 Unit Sandaran Headboard IDEAL
- 1 Unit Gundo Garage Card 10 years
Special Orders
Special Order means an order for Products that are assigned, modified, personalized, customized, or produced according to your specific needs.
At Oscar Living, you can place Custom Orders and make various adjustments as you need according to your preferences, including:
- Changing the color of the Office Chair according to your room's needs
- Spring bed or custom size mattress
- Changing the color or material of the sofa and sofabed according to your needs.
- Making size modifications to products other than Mattresses and Office Chairs, whether it is an addition or reduction of material.
- Making modifications to the shape of the product, whether it involves adding material or reducing material.
- Making modifications to materials in products, whether it is the addition of materials or the reduction of materials.
Consult your needs with us https://oscarliving.co.id/pages/pesanan-khusus-yang-disesuaikan-dengan-kebutuhan-anda
Note: Any Special Orders / Custom orders cannot be returned.
Information Limitation
The colors in the photo may differ slightly from the actual product colors due to lighting during the photoshoot.
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