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Kota Diatas Papan yang menjadi Ibukota suku Asmat - OSCARLIVING

The City Above the Board is the capital of the Asmat tribe

Once upon a time, almost a hundred years ago, a Dutch Pastor named Jan Smith carried out a mission to preach the Gospel in the interior of the Asmat tribe.

At that time everything was still limited and the Asmat tribe was still very primitive. Pastor Jan Smith faced tough challenges in her mission, but she remained persistent in her determination to serve God. Until one day, the Pastor was killed for reasons that are still a mystery to this day. However, before he died, Jan Smith made a statement which was often interpreted as a curse by local residents. A coastal area of ​​southern Papua called Agats will be wet and become a swamp area forever.

Until now, Agats residents still believe in the myth of this curse. They think that the words made by the Pastor are the reason that the city of Agats will always be a city that stands on a swamp. In fact, the words of the Pastor whose statue was erected in the small port of Agats have become a story spread widely by word of mouth and are considered a myth about the occurrence of muddy land in Agats.

Agats City is the capital of a new expansion area of ​​Asmat Regency which is part of Papua province. This city is on the southern coast of the island of Papua, close to the Timika area in Mimika Regency. Because of its position close to Timika, it will be easier to reach Agats from Timika city by ship or pioneer plane. Agats, which has a population of around 76,000 people, is an important city for the surrounding districts. This city plays a major role in running the economy and government in this new Asmat Regency.

Agats has its own uniqueness. The conditions of the muddy and swampy land meant that this city had to be built using boardwalks. At first glance, this road resembled a pier. All the roads in the city of Agats resemble bridges made of iron wood. However, as time and technology progressed, these bridges began to be refined in the form of even stronger concrete. Until now, development of the capital of Asmat Regency has been carried out on this unique road. All the buildings in this city with an area of ​​almost 30,000 square kilometers are adapted to the shape of stilt houses. In fact, the main means of transportation in this bridge city are motorbikes, even motorbikes that use electric power.

Indeed, the limited conditions in Agats have made the local government and the entire population adapt to the situation. The wooden bridge roads that stretch throughout the Agats area will not be able to support the weight of motorbikes, especially since cars will certainly not be a means of transportation. Now, apart from electric motorbikes, the residents of Agats, most of whom are immigrants from areas outside Asmat, rely on sea transportation in the form of motor boats or simply walking if they are still in the city.

Another limitation that Agats has is the lack of clean water supply. Until now, the Agats community survives on rainwater collected in water canisters. The condition of the swampy land makes it difficult for this land to provide clean water. So it is not surprising that bathing using this collected water feels slippery and it is difficult to rinse off the soap used. However, people's creativity makes them able to continue to survive in these conditions.

Even though it has many limitations, the facilities and infrastructure of the city of Agats are quite adequate. Harbors, government offices, hospitals, markets, police stations, army posts, schools and even museums are found in this unique city. Residents are free to carry out various activities and little by little develop businesses to support their lives. Many grocery stores and restaurants are open throughout the town of Agats, generally owned by immigrants who are trying their luck in this swampy town.

The uniqueness of the city of Agats is in line with its culture and tourist attractions. The museum can be the first point to visit before learning more about Asmat life. Various information about the Asmat tribe and about their lives can be found in this museum. Tourists inside and outside Indonesia often visit this well-maintained museum. There is no fee charged to enter the Museum, only the awareness of tourists to set aside a small fee for additional funds for the maintenance and operation of this Museum.

Apart from that, not far from the city center of Agats, there is a traditional village called Syuru. In this village we can see various typical Asmat cultures directly. From the "Jew" bachelor's house to the Asmat pride carvings, we can see the process in this village. Syuru Village can be a starting point for learning about various Asmat cultures before entering directly into other inland areas such as Sawaerma or Asuwetsy. The city of Agats seems to be a preamble before starting a further adventure to learn about the existence of the Asmat tribe in Papua.

The existence of the city of Agats is proof of the tenacity of the struggle of its residents. Despite its various limitations, this city continues to stand and actually develops itself in an increasingly better direction. This city is the main support and place of dependence for the Asmat tribe in Papua. Agats City is also a milestone in the growth of Asmat tourism which of course brings in foreign exchange for Indonesia. This is Agats' face which is so unique and very interesting to explore further. A city on a board that always looks charming


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