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  • Manfaat dari Prilaku Usaha Berkelanjutan - OSCARLIVING
    June 5,2024

    Benefits of Sustainable Business Behavior

    Benefits of Sustainable Office DesignAs the creators of the Ergohuman office chair, we are dedicated to productivity, well-being and overall body support. But the chairman must also contribute to a more sustainable future. When you incorporate sustainability into your office...

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  • Peringatan Hari lahir nya Pancasila - 1 Juni 2024 - OSCARLIVING
    June 1,2024

    Peringatan Hari lahir nya Pancasila - 1 Juni 2024

    Berdasarkan Keppres Nomor 24 Tahun 2016, tanggal 1 Juni merupakan salah satu hari penting dalam kalender bangsa Indonesia. Pasalnya, di tanggal tersebut diperingati sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila. Pemilihan tanggal 1 Juni sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila merujuk pada momen sidang Dokuritsu...

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  • Gaya Hidup Bekerja - OSCARLIVING
    May 30,2024

    Working Lifestyle

    Working LifestyleBill Gates once said, “Like humans, a company must have an internal communication mechanism, a “nervous system,” to coordinate its actions.” It is clear that interaction is very important in our work life, and the field of interaction is...

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  • Apakah Kursi Kantor Ergonomis Premium Layak untuk dimiliki ? - OSCARLIVING
    May 28,2024

    Are Premium Ergonomic Office Chairs Worth It?

    While the upfront cost of a high-end office chair may raise some eyebrows, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial investment. Most office workers spend 67 days sitting per year at their desks. When spending up to nine hours per...

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  • Apakah Kursi Belakang Jaring Nyaman? - OSCARLIVING
    May 27,2024

    Are Mesh Back Seats Comfortable?

    If you're looking for a new seating solution for your workspace, you may find that the wide variety of office chairs available makes the decision quite difficult. There are several considerations you need to make about the style, function and...

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