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  • Arti Waisak Bagi Umat Buddha - Happy Vesak Day - OSCARLIVING
    May 23,2024

    Arti Waisak Bagi Umat Buddha - Happy Vesak Day

    Hari Waisak juga dikenal dengan nama Visakah Puja atau Buddha Purnima di "India" "Tibet" "Malaysia" "Singapura", Visakha Bucha "Thailand" "Sri Lanka" . Nama ini diambil dari bahasa Pali "Wesakha", yang pada gilirannya juga terkait dengan "Waishakha" dari"Bahasa Sanskerta" . Di beberapa tempat disebut juga...

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  • Sakit Punggung Di Kantor - OSCARLIVING
    May 22,2024

    Sakit Punggung Di Kantor

    Jika Anda bekerja di kantor dan menghabiskan sebagian besar hari Anda dengan duduk, Anda mungkin tidak asing dengan sakit punggung. Duduk di depan meja selama delapan jam sehari dapat menyebabkan kekakuan dan ketegangan yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan serius saat bekerja. Jika...

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  • Bagaimana Cara Meningkatkan Motivasi dalam Bekerja? - OSCARLIVING
    May 21,2024

    How to Increase Motivation at Work?

    Have you ever sat in front of your computer, working on an assignment, but couldn't find the motivation to get started? Or maybe you've even started working on the task, but as time goes by, your urge to continue doing...

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  • Hadir nya perusahaan yang Berkelanjutan - OSCARLIVING
    May 20,2024

    The presence of Sustainable Business

    Sustainability has become a cornerstone of responsible corporate practices, especially when designing or furnishing offices. Sustainable office design is not only in line with environmental preservation but also improves employee well-being and productivity. Ergohuman plays an integral role in creating...

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  • Ke NewZealand tidak lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi ini !!!!! - OSCARLIVING
    May 18,2024

    Ke NewZealand tidak lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi ini !!!!!

    Dibuka pada tahun 1935, Gereja Gembala yang Baik adalah satu-satunya gereja di Danau Takapō dan terus menjadi tempat ibadah bagi penduduk setempat. Ini dirancang oleh arsitek Christchurch R.S.D. Harman, berdasarkan sketsa seniman lokal, Esther Hope.Para pembangun Gereja diinstruksikan agar situs...

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  • Desain Furniture manusiawi - OSCARLIVING
    May 17,2024

    Our Furniture is About People.

    As humans in the workplace, we interact with physical furniture. This interaction is regulated by our physical form, physiology, psychology, societyand culture. Meeting individual human needs is the key to a successful furniture arrangement. Furniture engages our senses. It is...

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  • Cara Membuang & Mendaur Ulang Perabot Kantor Lama - OSCARLIVING
    May 15,2024

    How to Dispose of & Recycle Old Office Furniture

    We all love buying new furniture or appliances to spruce up our workspace, but it's also important that we dispose of old, unwanted office furniture responsibly.If you're planning to liven up your office space with an impressive new desk, chair,...

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